About Wild Planet

Wild Planet Design is a small yet powerful company that opened in 1998 in the Los Angeles area with a primary focus on bridging the gap between amateur web designers and large, high-overhead megafirms. We opened for business back in 1998, and since that time we have been honing and perfecting our craft....while providing the best customer service possible. By listening to our customers, and by stretching our abilities to meet new challenges on every project, we have fortunately managed to create a 'buzz' that brings us an ongoing slew of referral business.

And we have discovered that when someone hires us to do a web design project, invariably the client needs more than just a website. There are all sorts of "real world" issues that go along with establishing an internet presence; things like getting domain-based email set up, making sure it can be accessed while on the road; creating your own "buzz" with marketing campaigns; establishing additional domain names & pointers; getting ranked in the search engines; getting NOTICED. We help you through ALL of this and more. This is the stuff we enjoy. We're good at it.

We've created well over 100 websites. We have lived and worked through the technological advancements and revolutions that have changed the internet from a mere pasttime into an international necessity. We've made mistakes - and then figured how to do things better. If you've read this far, you're looking for a web design company that is capable. You don't have time or money to waste.

It's easy to inadvertently hire a company that is still in the process of "cutting it's teeth". These companies will usually welcome the opportunity to practice their craft. But do you really want someone practicing on your time -- and on your dollar?

More About Us

  • A Bit Of History

Dave Eichhorn founded the company in 1998 --- a time when websites were still somewhat of a luxury for businesses. There was no consensus back then that the internet would have anything to do with the way business was done. But he persisted and one-by-one he got clients. And one client talked to another and before long he was able to take his ad out of the paper. (Incidentally, Wild Planet hasn't advertised since 1999). 


By sticking to his original business ethic of creating quality, handmade original websites and providing the best customer service possible, he was able to grow the business quickly, and within a few short years the business was booming. It seemed that his company was generating it's own "buzz". And his original websites were getting noticed.


In 2003 Dave decided to jump ship from his well-established film & television career and devote all of his attention to the care and feeding of Wild Planet. And he has never looked back.

A few of our clients

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Happy to Help!